8 03, 2020

Corona Virus Update

2020-03-08T17:52:14+00:00March 8th, 2020|Categories: Healthy Living|

I just sent this email to all the members of my tennis club. I am going to chair the social committee this coming season and I thought everyone should be aware of certain precautions. I am sharing that email here for the benefit of my patients. Like many of you, I can’t wait to start our tennis season including the socials and round robins. Unfortunately, we are facing a viral epidemic around the world that started in China and is rapidly spreading. We are all closely following the developments and the epidemiology of this virus. I think it is [...]

25 07, 2019

Breast Reduction Techniques in Morristown N.J.

2019-08-04T19:11:11+00:00July 25th, 2019|Categories: General|

Dr. Rafizadeh uses multipple breast reduction techniques in Morristown N.J. There are essentially 5 different ways to reduce a breasts depending on the size, composition of the breast tissue, and how much of an uplift is desired by the patient. First there is a scarless reduction that works with breasts that are more fatty than glandular. This is essentially liposuction of the breast. With this technique there is considerable reduction and some shrinkage of skin, but less or no correction of the sagging breasts. All the other technique will result in more and less scarring. Reducing skin excess will [...]

30 06, 2019

Peri areolar or Benelli lift Morristown NJ

2019-06-30T13:54:12+00:00June 30th, 2019|Categories: General|

​Recently a patient with slight breast asymmetry and true drooping on the left asked if they were a candidate for a Benelli lift. This is the answer: Let us do a quick analysis of your situation based on three photos. On your right side, you have a pseudo ptosis as your nipple seems to be at or above your infra mammary fold. On the left, you have true ptosis. With the nipple below the fold. Both areole are large, but the left is larger. Therefore you would need a stronger lift on the left. The advantage of the vertical scar [...]

18 06, 2019

Can the Tummy Tuck Scars be Shorter in Morristown New Jersey?

2019-06-18T14:38:14+00:00June 18th, 2019|Categories: Body|Tags: , , |

The effort to make a scar shorter is part of every surgical decision that I make. I try to make the shortest scars in my facelifts, breast reductions, breast lifts and tummy tucks. In a TT we are challenged by the dog ears. The challenge is, how short one can make the scar and still avoid a dog ear. If the scar is too short the ends can be loose and produce a raised loose area that is called a dog ear. In many cases the loose skin extends to the sides and needs to be removed for the best [...]

3 06, 2019

Plastic Surgery Practice in Morristown for 35 years.

2019-06-03T02:01:15+00:00June 3rd, 2019|Categories: General|

Dr. Farhad Rafizadeh offers you his extensive experience of 35 years. Dr. Rafizadeh will be honored with 35 years of service award by Morristown Medical Center in July of 2019. We asked Dr. Rafizadeh who has been performing plastic and reconstructive surgery since July of 1984 in Morristown N.J. about his practice and how he remains so committed, engaged, interested and involved after all these years. Here is his response: First of all, I love what I do and enjoy interacting with my patients very much. Besides, I keep physically active with tennis almost every day, eat well and exercise. [...]

3 12, 2018

What is it that distinguished Dr. Farhad Rafizadeh’s Morristown facelift.

2018-12-04T15:53:15+00:00December 3rd, 2018|Categories: Face|Tags: , , |

What is it that distinguishes Dr. Farhad Rafizadeh’s facelift in Morristown New Jersey from other facelifts? Why do patients recover faster and love their overall experience? Dr. Rafizadeh explains: To Understand my facelift and why it is so effective and offers such a quick recovery, one needs to understand the causes of facial aging. What happens to the face of an older person? Well, the changes happen so slowly that they are not visible from day to day or month to month. Let us assume that you are in your fifties and are looking at a picture of yourself [...]

26 09, 2018

Mini Tummy Tuck, Full Tommy Tuck or Just Liposuction?

2018-09-26T01:46:32+00:00September 26th, 2018|Categories: Body|

Mini Tummy Tuck, Full Tummy Tuck or Just Liposuction. Report from Morristown NJ This has to be the most common question that I get asked in Morristown NJ. I am sure that every plastic surgeon has to answer similar questions. The difference between the full and mini tummy tuck is all about the bellybutton. If you cut around that structure, lift the skin from the deep layers, stitch the muscles together to make the belly flatter, and move the skin above the BB, down to the pubic area, we would call the procedure a full TT. If you do liposuction and [...]

30 04, 2018

Coolsculpting or Liposuction

2018-05-04T18:17:34+00:00April 30th, 2018|Categories: News|

More information about Liposuction What is the difference between Liposuction and Coolsculpting? Coolsculpting is a non-invasive procedure that freezes your fat cells.  The procedure takes about one hour and requires no anesthesia and no downtime. Patients typically experience minimal fat reduction and may require several sessions. Results can be seen in ideal patients within 2-4 months. There is a period when the skin is red and swollen. The area will remain numb and tingly. There could also be pain and tenderness associated with this treatment. In rare cases, there could be an overgrowth of fat in [...]

15 02, 2018

Breast Reduction and Augmentation or Minus, Plus procedure, Morristown NJ.

2018-02-15T18:31:26+00:00February 15th, 2018|Categories: Breast, News|

​If you have redundant and fairly large breasts with or without asymmetry, one optional procedure for you is a bilateral breast lift, but one thing to remember that no one is mentioning these days is that large breasts droop overtime. This is why I think a breast reduction and implant placement simultaneously makes a lot of sense. This concept of reduction augmentation or minus, plus is a bit strange, but because implants don’t sag as easily as the naturally large breasts, it is a good way to achieve larger and more uplifted breasts.

1 12, 2017

Ideal Breast Implant, Morristown NJ

2017-12-05T18:27:31+00:00December 1st, 2017|Categories: News|

According to a recent FDA 7 year study the new Ideal Breast Implant has a 6.3% capsular contraction risk rate and a 1.8% rupture risk rate. These are much better rates as compared to silicone gel implants. This is great information for patients as it provides them with piece of mind knowing they have less worries when it comes to choosing the ideal breast implant. This new Ideal breast implant is a saline filled breast implant which consists of a series of implant shells. The internal structure controls movement of the saline and is designed to reduce wrinkling, which [...]

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