Prophylactic mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction in New Jersey

If you are at high risk of developing breast cancer a prophylactic (preventative) mastectomy is usually recommended. Patients with a strong family history of breast cancer and or a positive BRCA1 and BRCA2 genetic mutations are at higher risks of developing breast cancer. They may have from 35% to 85% chances of developing breast cancer by the age 70. There are other conditions like previous history of breast cancer with combined family history or history of radiation therapy before the age of 30 that increase your risks.

If you are told that you are at increased risk and a prophylactic mastectomy is recommended, it is extremely important to see a plastic surgeon who is an expert in breast reconstruction and let him choose the surgeon who can work with him in harmony to give you the best results.

I have done over a thousand breast reconstructions with different surgeons and I know that the choice of the right surgeon is extremely important in the final cosmetic outcome. The best results are obtained in cases where I plan the surgery and work in harmony with the general surgeon. We can plan to save the nipples and all of the breast skin. We could also do a one-stage reconstruction, going directly to an implant avoiding an expander. We can also plan on using the patient’s own tissues for the reconstruction in one operation. Early planning, expertise and a vast experience is the key to the best possible results. See before and after photos.

If you are told that you need a prophylactic mastectomy do yourself a big favor and see us first. If the right operation is done the results are superior and the recovery faster.

Call 973 2670928 for a consultation.

After bilateral nipple sparing mastectomy and bilateral TRAM reconstruction.

This patient had bilateral nipple sparing mastectomy and bilateral immediate reconstruction through an incision under the breast.