Extended Tummy Tuck Morristown New Jersey

Extended tummy tuck New jersey is a great alternative to more complicated and involved procedures. It is less invasive than the circumferential body lift. It allows lifting of the lateral thighs and buttocks. It also provides a great abdominoplasty result. The patients are selected for this procedure based on their body shape. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia or epidural. The patient does not need to be turned. The tilting the operative table from side to side will provide access to the back and to the most lateral end of the skin excision. The procedure is typically combined with liposuction of the hips and flanks. Additional liposuction of the thighs can be done at the same time. Dr Rafizadeh Performs the extended tummy tuck procedure in Morristown New Jersey as an inpatient or outpatient procedure. The lipoabdominoplasty is another procedure that can be performed in this extended pattern. The lateral tension abdominoplasty described by Dr. Ted Lockwood is a form of extended abdominoplasty and provide lateral tension to lift the lateral thigh laxity. Dr Rafizadeh can include this procedure into his extended tummy tuck procedure to improve the appearance of the hips, flanks and thighs.

Extended tummy tuck New Jersey before photo

Extended tummy tuck New Jersey after phoyo

Age 44 woman presenting after massive weight loss. Extended tummy tuck, breast reduction and liposuction. Notice a right vertical gall bladder incision has ended up on the right lower abdomen