Dr Rafizadeh has practiced fat graftion to the Buttocks in Morristown NJ For several years and has devised a simple way of looking at the lower back, flanks, hips, buttocks, trochanteric area and the upper thighs.He divides this region into three zones:
He decribes his methode:
The Blue zone on my drawing shows the area that is most often treated by liposuction to define the waistline and frame the upper buttocks by carving out the excess fat that is hiding the buttock’s definition. This could be enough if there is adequate volume and skin tightness in the buttocks. The Red zone on my drawing shows the area that is most often treated by fat grafting or simply left untreated depending on the volume already present in that area and the skin condition. Fat grafting can enhance the buttock’s projection and absorb any skin laxity. The green zone on my drawing shows the area that is most often treated by liposuction but occasionally may require fat grafting depending on the anatomic situation. Fat grafting would be done if the hip to waist ratio were not ideal for the female shape. Fat grafting to the hips is not common but could help create a more feminine ratio. This is most likely to happen in women who have an android body shape with less definition of the waist and narrow hips.
Call us 973 2670928 to make an appointment for an evaluation by Dr. Rafizadeh in his office in Morristown NJ and see if you are a candidate for this type of procedure.