Does breast augmentation produce a breast lift?

This is a common question from my patients in Morristown, New Jersey, but I think there is quite a bit of controversy around this subject. I was watching a video by one of the leading plastic surgeons attempting to bust some myths about breast augmentation and he mentioned that breast implants do not lift the breasts. Then I looked around on the web and noticed that it seems to be a generally accepted notion that breast implants do not lift the breasts. Through my own experience, I have to admit that I do not agree with the fact that breast implants do not produce a lifting effect on the breast and the areola. I believe that if the ptosis (sagginess) is not excessive and certainly in cases of breast deflation, the kind noticed after pregnancy, breast augmentation definitely produces a lifting effect. I will demonstrate this by posting some of the pictures already on this site. I have better pictures to show potential patients in my office. Some of these pictures could not be posted on the web because I did not have the specific consent from the patients for online viewing. However I do not want to imply that every breast ptosis can be corrected by breast enlargement. Most cases of significant breast ptosis will require an augmentation mastopexy (breast lift), but any effective mastopexy will produce scars on the breast that most patients prefer to avoid. In many cases I have been able to create a pleasing breast shape by augmentation without mastopexy. I often discuss with the patient the possible need for a breast lift in case the augmentation alone did not produce the desired effect. The most common breast lift that I perform is the circumvertical lift, which involves a scar around the areola and one going from the areola to the fold under the breast. These scar normally heal well.


photo before breast augmentation.pre-op photo breast augmentation.Before photo photo after breast augmentationPost-op breast augmentation and ptosis correction.After photo
Before and after photos of breast augmentation performed by Dr. Rafizadeh in Morristown, NJ. showing the correction of breast ptosis (sagginess) after breast augmentation.