Choosing between silicone or saline filled breast implants can be overwhelming. Here are some things to consider in helping you decide:
A saline filled breast implant is inserted empty through a small incision and than inflated with saline (salt water). A silicone filled breast implant is pre- filled with silicone gel and the scar is made larger so as to accommodate the size of the implant.
A Silicone filled implant is thought to have a more natural look and feel than saline. If a silicone filled breast implant ruptures you will not know it unless you have an MRI. You will know if a saline filled breast implant ruptures because the breast will be obviously smaller.
Leaking silicone gel is not thought to cause any health problems but can cause pain and changes in contour if the implant unknowingly ruptures. An MRI is recommended every 2 years for women who have silicone filled breast implants. If a saline filled breast implant ruptures the body simply absorbs the salt water and the implant shell gets surgically removed.
A woman must be age 18 or older to have a saline filled breast implant placed and 22 years of age to have a silicone filled breast implant placed.
Silicone filled breast implants are more expensive than saline.
Any type of breast implant is not a lifetime device. At some point in time you may need to have additional surgery to exchange or remove the implants. Your surgeon may recommend one type of implant over another based on your body type but the decision of silicone vs. saline is ultimately yours.
To have a consultation with Dr Farhad Rafizadeh for a breast augmentation with silicone or saline filled breast implants in his Morristown New Jersey office contact us by calling 973-267-0928.