Dear Valued Patients,

We hope you are well and are keeping safe by staying home and minimizing contact with others.

As you are all aware, we are facing a true world pandemic with this coronavirus that has caused many deaths, especially in the older and debilitated populations. The numbers of cases are increasing presently, but we hope we will see a peak and then a drop within the next month.

All elective surgery cases are suspended in order to save resources for the patients affected by the virus.

It is recommended that we all stay home and avoid contact with others, in order to reduce the number of transmissions. This is having an effect on the economic activities around the world and the governments are designing and implementing stimulus packages’ to soften the impact. Dr. Rafizadeh is mostly staying home and trying to minimize patient contact.

To that end, we are going to drastically reduce our office hours and only see follow-ups, to make sure that the patients on whom Dr. Rafizadeh has operated are cared for. Dr. Rafizadeh would like to defer any in-person patient consultation till the crisis is over and our state government has allowed businesses to resume their operations.

We would, however, be very happy to provide safe and private video conferencing with patients who would be interested to set up a procedure in the near future and get all the necessary information. To schedule a video consultation,  please call the office at (973) 267-0928.

Temporarily, our office attendance will be reduced by 2 hours during this period of crisis to allow the staff to spend more time at home with their families. We will answer the phone from 10 Am to 4 PM Monday through Friday.  If you call at a time when no one is in the office, please leave a detailed message and we will get back to you the next business day.

 We will be posting the latest information on our website blog from time to time. Therefore, please visit